July Top Story

Religion at Changi

Changi is at the North-east tip of Singapore Island and was used at the fall of Singapore by the Japanese to gather all the captured service personnel together. It was later to become the southern hub for transportation of the prisoners to their destinations.

Within two days of the surrender Changi held over 50,000 prisoners of war. For the first few weeks little was seen of the Japanese and the POW’s were left to fend for themselves, food, quarters and discipline was military style with religion playing an important part of their daily life.

In September prisoners started arriving from Java and the numbers grew and so did the meeting places for the many religons, faith gave the men the strength to survive in the hard times to follow.

      Changi Chapel and Museum Changi Chapel and Museum - sent in by Capt. George Duffy

      This article is based on the Changi Chapel and Museum pamphlet

      Christianity Christianity

      There were various chapels at Changi for the Christian faith and they were captured in paint and film by the prisoners.

      Harry Stogden and the Changi Cross Harry Stogden and the Changi Cross

      Staff Sergeant Harry Stogden of the RAOC never made it home but he will be remembered as the man who built the Changi Cross. This is his story.

      Reverend L V Headley Reverend L V Headley

      Eight photographs taken in the P.O.W. Camp Changi in October 1942 where Reverend L.V. Headley was Chaplain at St David's Church Sime Road Camp and St Pauls Church Changi Gaol.

      Singapore American Singapore American - sent in by Capt. George Duffy

      This article in the Singapore American is about an exhibition at Changi Museum and explains the American connection.

    Synagogue at Changi Synagogue at Changi - sent in by Martin Sugarman, BA (Hons), Cert. Ed.

      There was Synagogue at Changi and at least one Jewish Chaplain who was POW - Capt. Rabbi Chaim Nussbaum, Dutch Forces - with his wife and children held at a separate camp.



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[Religion] [Jewry's Book of Honour] [Religion at Changi] [Wisdom of Adversity] [Camps]



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