Interview Format

Interview Format

(Interveiws can only be viewed at the Cambridge County Collection)

Interview Number   Dated








Where you (a) called up   (b) regular soldier

Married Yes.  No.

Where you married before or after you were a PoW

Where were you when you were captured - mainland, Singapore, hospital

  1. Where were you when you were liberated
  2. Who liberated you
  3. Were you interviewed (a) overseas (b) at the reception center at home
    • what was the mood of the interview
    • did have a medical at reception center
    • where there offers of help
    • where you given money on your return to Britain
  4. Where you shocked at being taken prisoner
  5. Did you have sense of guilt at being taken prisoner
  6. Did it take long to adjust to life in the camps.
  7. Was life boring in the camps
  8. Was this due to inactivity and tedious work
  9. Were their stages during your captivity that you felt optimistic for example on receiving good news or on your release
  10. When you arrived home was there a feeling of anti-climax
    • eventually
    • immediately
  11. Did you suffer from
    • overcrowding
    • inactivity
    • military impotence
  12. On your return did you feel
    • anti-social
    • self-destructive
  13. On your return was
    • counseling available to you
    • employment advice
  14. When did you receive this advice (before / after demob)
  15. Have you any knowledge or experience of Civil Resettlement Units
    • was there any stigma attached to them
    • what was your attitude toward them
  16. What is your attitude towards Japanese culture
  17. Did you feel proud of yourself for surviving this dreadful experience
  18. Did you know of anyone who was admitted to a psychiatric unit
  19. Were all PoWs offered
    • psychiatric help
    • medical help
  20. In order to survive it may have been necessary to suppress your emotions if yes, did it effect you later in life
  21. Where the repatriations tackled efficiently
  22. Have you any memories of WVS on your release
  23. Have you any memories of ENSA or any other entertainment on your release
  24. Did you organize your own entertainment on your release
  25. Where officers and men together on VJ-Day
  26. Where you sent home as a Regiment or individually
  27. How did you cope with the social and cultural changes on your return home to your family
  28. Did your old friends help you readjust to civilian life
  29. Did your work help you readjust to civilian life
  30. Where you told officially not to talk to
    • the press
    • the family
  31. Did you want to speak to the
    • family
    • friends
  32. Did your family encourage you to talk of your experiences
  33. Did you feel there was a lack of recognition for what FEPoWs suffered
  34. Did you feel personally responsible for this situation
  35. On your return what did you do to keep the spirit going that kept you alive in captivity
  36. Where there associations available for you to join or did you form your own associations
  37. What effect did ‘your’ association have on you
  38. Did you feel what is known as ‘survivors guilt’
  39. Do you feel your experiences as a FEPoW set you aside from other people.
  40. Did non FEPoWs understand how you as a ex-prisoner felt about your experiences
  41. Did being a FEPoW put your life into a different perspective from other people.
  42. Where there offers of medical re-examination in the 1970s
    • did you take the offer up
    • do you know of anyone who took up the offer
  43. Did you return to the same employment
  44. What was your job did this help you to readjust to civilian life
  45. Did you, or do you suffer from periods of anxiety and trauma. In spite of your problems did you carry on as normal
  46. What experience of debriefing did you have, when where who
  47. How were you treated during your debriefing
  48. On returning were
    • your experiences ignored
    • treated as a hero
    • treated as an embarrassment
  49. On your return was any practical help offered to you
  50. Did you know where the CRU were located
  51. What memories of yours are the most consistent and recurring
  52. Have you written down any of your PoW experiences in
    • letters
    • books
    • diary
    • articles
  53. Have you ever been interviewed by
    • Newspapers
    • Television
    • Others
  54. How long was your stay in Rangoon, Calcutta, other transit camp
  55. How long was your journey from the prison camp to transit camp
  56. How long was the boat journey home
  57. Name of ship          type of ship          conditions
  58. Was there entertainment on board ship
  59. Did you have a medical on your return to Britain
  60. Was it a condition of your demob to pass a medical
  61. What was the main topic of conversation in captivity

Supplementary Questions

  1. Did you receive a copy of To All British Army Ex-Prisoners Of War
  2. Where did you receive it
  3. Where you told you must not speak to the press, newsreel or broadcasting organizations
  4. Where you interrogated by M.I. 9. either overseas or on your return
  5. Did you have the opportunity to send an arrival telegram
  6. Where you medically inspected at the reception center
  7. Did you have an X-ray in the reception center in Liverpool or Southampton.
  8. Did you have a medical or appear before a medical board during your repatriation leave
  9. Was there a welfare center at your reception center
  10. Did you consult them
  11. On repatriation leave did you seek advice or help from anyone
  12. If so who
  13. Where you issued with a 42 day ration card
  14. Where you paid before boarding ship and leaving for home
  15. Where you paid at the reception center
  16. Where you issued with free travel documents
  17. How did you
    • travel from the railway station to your home
    • how did you pay for your transport
  18. Did you appear before a medical board during your repatriation leave
  19. Was it a medical or were you simple told your state of health
  20. Did you attend any courses to help you settle into civilian life
  21. Have you ever seen a pamphlet entitled ‘settling down in civvy street’
  22. Did you ever go to or where offered a chance to rest at Hatfield House (a CRU)
  23. Were you met by the ‘Regiment’ on arrival
  24. Did you receive a document like this concerning an appearance before a medical board.


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